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Bag Yourself a Profitable Domain

Expired domain names can fill your pockets, if you know what to do and when to do it.

Domain name resale specialist John Khu shows the 'average Joe' the ins and outs of dominating the virtual real estate (VRE) market via his new Expired Domain Secret eBook.

Everybody is after the proverbial 'golden niche' when it comes to online businesses. And for the past three years, the expired domain names market has been this niche.

In 2005, sales of 5,851 domain names generated almost US$29 million. In 2006, sales surpassed the US$100 million mark. To date, there have already been six expired domains bought for over US$1 million each (one of them was sold for almost US$10 million!). And these statistics cover just the public domain name aftermarket. Private sales of expired domains are said to be bring in higher figures.

John Khu knows about these numbers very well. After all, he has been successfully dabbling into the expired domain name list market since 2002. This success has prompted him to author a new eBook: Expired Domain Secret (EDS).

"I knew the expired domain name industry was going to skyrocket but at the time, there was simply no information I can use to guide me with my purchases. I actually ended up losing money at first… but I knew there was something there so you can say I made my own rules as I went along. [I'm glad I didn’t give up!"

Those ‘rules’ are what John Khu brings to readers via the Expired Domain Secret eBook. “It is the most comprehensive guide on purchasing expired available domains ever compiled. It covers the most basic questions one can have about expired domains so it’s for beginners, and then the eBook shares insider strategies for maximum profits so it’s also for the more advanced expired domain buyer too,” he adds.

Expired Domain Secret is now available at John’s site for just US$47.00. Why the economical price? “I sincerely want to help educate people on the best way they can get into the virtual real estate market. Up to now, only very few realize that expired domains are excellent business opportunities. I want more people to realize and benefit from this.”

"Also, a lot of ‘big names’ are now monopolizing the expired domain name list industry so most people think they need to subscribe or register all the time just to find expired available domains. In the Expired Domain Secret eBook, I provide a lot of FREE resources that you can use to find and profit from obsolete domain names," John adds.

On top of the wealth of information in the eBook, John is also offering an exclusive bonus for ‘early bird buyers’. Check out ExpiredDomainSecret.com to find out what this special bonus is all about.

About ExpiredDomainSecret.com:
ExpiredDomainSecret.com is a website that offers the Expired Domain Secret eBook, a comprehensive and updated guide to buying expired domains today for maximum profit.